
The Charles H. Dater Foundation Supports COCA’s School-Based Personal Safety Program

October 14, 2020

The Council on Child Abuse (COCA) is pleased to announce The Charles H. Dater Foundation has awarded a $10,000 grant to benefit COCA’s School-Based Personal Safety Program. This program offers child abuse and bullying prevention programs in schools throughout Greater Cincinnati. Students learn personal safety strategies and have opportunities to disclose current or previous abuse, bullying and related problems.


The Charles H. Dater Foundation is committed to the children of the Greater Cincinnati area and supports projects that focus on arts/culture, education, healthcare, social services and other community needs. COCA would like to thank the foundation for its commitment to improving the quality of life for children in Greater Cincinnati.


“We are incredibly grateful for the Charles H. Dater Foundation’s support and partnership,” Amelia Orr, COCA Executive Director said. “This contribution will empower us to continue serving children, parents and staff in schools across the city and promote safety in our communities.”


COCA’s School-Based Safety Program has been provided in over 100 schools throughout the Greater Cincinnati area. Schools interested in scheduling a School-Based Safety Program for their students can contact COCA at 513-684-7976